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Md. Siam Howlader wants to move forward with digital marketing
Peoples Time Desk
Published : Friday, 15 December, 2023 at 6:42 PM, Count : 5225

Md. Siam Howlader wants to move forward with digital marketing

Md. Siam Howlader wants to move forward with digital marketing

The way people are becoming dependent on the internet through the hands of technology, it can be said for sure that the importance of digital marketing is increasing day by day. As a result, many young people are choosing digital marketing as a career.

Because this career makes a person a technology lover on the one hand and makes life comfortable on the other hand.

One such young Md. Siam Hawladar. He is working online from Lakshipur.
Md. Siam Howladar is a young Bangladeshi entrepreneur and digital marketer. Books, music, videos, acting, YouTube tutorials, blogging and other social media have gained recognition. His interests are in technology, music, digital marketing and writing.

It is known that this young man started working through his own Facebook ID named Md Siam Howlader. After a long journey, he is now known as a cyber security and digital marketer in Bangladesh. Md. Siam Hawladar is a music personality and entrepreneur.

Md. Siam Howlader considers digital marketing of the present era to be a field of great potential.

He said, its importance is increasing day by day. If you want to start working with digital marketing, you need to improve your skills first. Because with the right knowledge one can move towards this success.

He said, 'After that, you have to search with your eyes and ears open. Also need to know the use of different tools. You have to pay attention to what kind of content people are liking.'

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Editor: Dr. Kazi Ertaza Hassan
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