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Tabligh faction loyal to Maulana Saad ends sit-in after govt assurance
Peoples Time Desk
Published : Tuesday, 19 November, 2024 at 4:16 PM, Count : 848

Tabligh faction loyal to Maulana Saad ends sit-in after govt assurance

Tabligh faction loyal to Maulana Saad ends sit-in after govt assurance

Followers of the Tabligh Jamaat faction loyal to Maulana Mohammed Saad Kandhalvi ended their sit-in, which stretched from Kakrail Mosque to the State Guest House Jamuna, after assurances from the chief adviser's office that their demands would be addressed.

The protesters gathered at Kakrail Mosque and its surrounding areas at 8:45am before marching to Jamuna to submit a memorandum to Chief Adviser Prof Muhammad Yunus.

Their demands included permission for followers of Delhi's Nizamuddin Markaz, the Tabligh headquarters led by Maulana Saad, to organise the first phase of next year's Biswa Ijtema and allowing Maulana Saad to visit Bangladesh to attend the event.

Chaos erupted when police attempted to block the march. Shafiqul Alam, secretary of the Chief Adviser's Press Wing, met with the demonstrators to negotiate, but the protesters insisted on delivering their memorandum directly to Yunus.

Eventually, a delegation submitted the memorandum at the CA's office, where Shafiqul received it on behalf of Yunus. He assured the group that their demands would be communicated to the chief adviser, said Mohammad Sayem, media coordinator for the faction.

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