Zarzees bin Ertaza made Law deputy secretary of Dhaka Metropolitan South Chhatra League
Peoples Time Desk
The much awaited Dhaka Metropolitan South Chhatra League has announced a full-fledged committee. In this committee, Zarzees Bin Ertaza has become the Deputy Legal Secretary. Zarzees Bin Ertaza, the only child of The editor and publisher of Daily Vorer Pata, former acting President of Satkhira District Awami League and current Vice-President Dr. Kazi Ertaza Hassan, CIP, served as co-editor in the last committee. Bangladesh Chhatra League President Saddam Hossin and General Secretary Shakhe Wali Asfi Inan approved the committee signed by Dhaka Metropolitan South Chhatra League President Rajbiul Islam Bappi and General Secretary Sajal Kund on Friday. Rajbiul Islam Bappi and Sajal Kundu are determined to bring more organizational skills to make committees important like Dhaka Metropolitan South Chhatra League. Meanwhile, General Secretary Sajal Kundu has been praised for distributing help among the needy people throughout the month of Ramadan.